In the Light Everything is Brighter | Meet Tom
3 Jul 2018With their debut show on the horizon, we're getting to know each of the 12-strong company who make up this year's Made in Bristol company, WILDERBEAST. Next up, Tom Davies!

Tell us a little about yourself and how you made it into this year’s Made in Bristol company.
I come from a town not too far away from Bristol, the other side of Bath. It’s called Frome and it’s great. I had never been involved with Bristol Old Vic previously, apart from in 2016 with ‘we’re here because we’re here’, although I had met some previous Made in Bristol companies before at theatre things around and about. I didn’t have high hopes for getting in but I thought I’d try my chances.
What’s been your top moment of Made in Bristol so far?
Such a hard question - it really has been relentlessly good. Every day brings so many opportunities to learn and become a better company. That being said, finally choosing our company name and show title were both rewarding days - it felt good to have a tangible idea of ourselves as a company and the work we want to make.
What does WILDERBEAST mean to you?
I think WILDERBEAST is a name that explores our sense of playfulness and drive. It came from another suggestion that incorporated the word ‘bewildered’ and I really liked the silliness that it brings, and combined with the drive and animalistic-ness of ‘beast’ I think it’s a winner.
Is there anything exciting you can reveal about this year’s show?
I think there will be elements of tenderness and humanity that I’m excited to explore. We’re a vibrant group with a lot to bounce off of with each other so it’s going to be an energised and hopefully energising piece.
What are you looking forward to on completion of your course?
To have made something and be sending it out into the world; to see where our show and we as a company will go from here. I’m also excited personally to be moving on to new places and projects as I will be moving away in September, whilst hopefully maintaining links with WILDERBEAST, Bristol and Bristol Old Vic.
Give us a quick fun fact about yourself!
I used to be scared of crumpets. I’m over it now though.
This year's Made in Bristol company return to 1532 Performing Arts Centre to present their visceral new show 18–21 July. For more information and to book tickets, click here.