Lucky Thirteen
1 Jul 2023
Have you heard about Made in Bristol?
Made In Bristol is a group of young people aged 18-25 on some sort of gap year who become resident at Bristol Old Vic for two days a week for one year.
Now in it's thirteenth year, the scheme is designed to give young theatre-makers an opportunity to train together, to become workshop leaders, facilitators and theatre makers as well as performing their own piece of work at the end of the course. It's also totally free to participate.
2022-23’s Made in Bristol (MIB13) is: Georgia Casimir, Grace Dobson, Akosua Edwards, Lottie Elcoate, Mia Macleod, Jake Rayner Blair, Paige Stevens and Cameron Thorne, who are about to present their "graduate show" Tenants in the Weston Studio as their newly formed theatre company ThisThat.
But before they head off on their next exciting adventure, we grabbed them for the insider tips on being part of this special project...

Hello ThisThat theatre company!
Tell us a bit about yourselves..
We are a collective of eight 18-25 year olds. Some of us have just left university or have been graduated for a few years, and some of us have just finished college and are off to drama school!
What was the application process like to join MIB?
It was a chill process! We had to send a form of interest and explain our experiences and why we want to be in MIB and what we love about theatre.
We then had a group workshop in the theatre which was full of movement, vocal and devising tasks. We shifted around lots to make sure everyone got to work with everyone.
Then we were interviewed which we were all terrified about but Hattie and Lisa (Engagement team legends) were so lovely and asked us a few questions about what we want from the MIB experience.
The whole process was super low pressure and all about working together!
Why did you decide on the name This/That?
We are a rather physical and dynamic group so wanted to encapsulate that in some way. It was also a quote from our original play Baby Tales where Hansel and Gretel were sent “this way” and “that way” to find home.
Tell us about your experience of MIB?
We have laughed, we have cried, we have lost many footballs on the ceiling… It’s been a whirlwind and we can’t believe it’s almost over!
Why is it such a good scheme?
It’s a uniquely wonderful experience that isn’t shared anywhere in the industry, it’s a mixture between a masters course and rep company. Being trained by industry leading professionals and the support and advice from the past alumni is something we’ll take with us for the rest of our lives. It’s also free which is something other theatrical venues and groups should really consider as none of us would have been here otherwise!
Tell us about your first show?
Our first show was Baby Tales, a cabaret for 0-3 year olds. This was a great experience creating a show for an age group the majority of us had never worked with before.
We are currently working on Tenants, a show honing in on the impacts of the ongoing rental crisis. We explore housing anxiety, capitalist absurdity and the mouldy miscellany of mycelia. Tenants will be on from the 13th-15th of July in The Weston Studio at Bristol Old Vic.
What will you take away from this year?
We’ve been given a fantastic tool kit to help us survive in this industry!
We have learnt how to work as a collective while still being strong individual creatives. Listening, mindfulness and not being afraid to fail are just some of the tasty lessons we’ve learnt along the way about devising and creating as an ensemble.
Good luck ThisThat!
Thank you!

Think this may be something for you?
Applications for Made In Bristol 2023/24 are now open!
To apply, please fill out the application form below. Applications close on Monday 10 July 2023 at 5pm.
Made In Bristol Application Form 2023
All applicants are invited to attend an audition at Bristol Old Vic. You will need to attend one of the audition dates to be considered for Made in Bristol.
Auditions for Made In Bristol 2023/24 will take place on Wednesday 12 July 6-10pm and Saturday 22 July, 9am-2pm at Bristol Old Vic.
For further information, please contact

- Over 97% of Made in Bristol trainees going onto further education or employment in the sector.
- Made in Bristol is free to attend.
- The very first MIB group were Stage Award-winners and West End performers The Wardrobe Ensemble who are still going strong!