3 Apr 2023
When this theatre was built in 1766 we’re pretty sure its carbon footprint was not high on the builders list of priorities. So what does an 18th century theatre do in a 21st century climate crisis?
The future is bright!
We’ve been working hard to understand our carbon footprint across everything we do – from the coffee we brew to the sets we build. If we want to unlock our ambitions towards a Net Zero future we have to change the way we use energy and solar panels form an important part of the puzzle.
Thanks to the support of the Wolfson Foundation, we are now able to purchase and install 72 solar panels on our backstage roof spaces. This will generate enough energy to account for approx. 6% of BOV's annual electricity usage (as we become even more efficient across the building, that percentage should go up and up!)
Thank you Wolfson Foundation- we couldn’t do it without you!