Ti Green

3 Oct 2024

We're welcoming back designer Ti Green to Bristol Old Vic for Reverberation. 

Audiences will be familiar with Ti's work on Bristol Old Vic's stage for the last 20 years, with recent productions such as Touching the Void, Semmelweis and Waldo's Circus of Magic and Terror transforming the theatre into unique and stunning worlds.

Here's the latest transformation up close and personal!

"The purpose of the Reverberation design was to honour both the literal requirements of the play – the characters of Claire and Jonathan need to exist in two apartments; one above the other -  and the psychological reality of Jonathan and Claire’s world.
Jonathan is in effect in suspended animation, trapped by trauma, and has removed himself from his old life, but he’s not properly free. There is still the umbilical chord connecting him to a previous existence via the central staircase so that he is unable to move into his future.
The large walls work in unison with Daniel Denton’s beautiful projection design – showing the internal struggles Jonathan wrestles with throughout the play. The gauze walls begin by looking solid, then become transparent  - showing layers of reality beyond the literal space."
Ti Green, Set & Costume Designer - Reverberation

Take a look at our fabulous technical team putting Ti's design into the space