This Chrismas, Bristol Old Vic offers ways to watch Theatre as unique as you are
18 Nov 2020
This Christmas, Bristol Old Vic offers ways to watch theatre as unique as you are
This may not be the Christmas we expected, but from now until into the New Year, expect barn-storming festive theatre to watch live at Bristol Old Vic, a live-streamed Zoom production, and favorites from the theatre’s back catalogue brought directly to your home On-Demand..
While many can’t wait to get back in the theatre, many others are still reassured by staying closer to home for now. This winter, Bristol Old Vic continues its mission is to make theatre more accessible, no matter your location, access needs, or COVID precautions. This year has been about finding creative ways to do just that. For Christmas, Bristol Old Vic has created a theatrical pick ‘n’ mix for those who like their theatre flexible, tailor-made, live or on-demand.
Festive Family Fun
Living Spit's Beauty and the Beast
Hugely popular local theatre company Living Spit return to Bristol Old Vic with their brand new show Living Spit’s Beauty and the Beast. This musical comic caper will premiere in Clevedon in the run-up to Christmas, before taking up residency in Bristol Old Vic’s Theatre for a Christmas run (8 Dec - 2 Jan) before touring across the South West. Suitable for older children (12+) and adults, this monstrously musical, Disney-defying version of the classic French tale about what it means to be truly beautiful in the 18th century is now on sale for a socially-distanced audience in the Theatre.
The enormously popular Living Spit stars Howard Coggins and Stu McLoughlin. Howard is beautiful. There’s no escaping that. But then so is Stu. In fact, Living Spit is widely known as the most physically attractive two-man musical comedy theatre company in the South-West. However, in this tale as old as time one of them will have to portray an ugly, foul-tempered beast. But which one will it be?
While Living Spit are kicking up a storm for young adults and the young at heart in the theatre, we're moving our traditional family-friendly shows online, and expanding the offer with three of our most beloved family favourites available to watch from the comfort of your home.
From 27 Nov, BOV’s smash-hit production A Christmas Carol and the early years show The Night That Autumn Turned To Winter will be released to watch as part of the On Demand season of past hit shows. And from the 11 Dec, watch Swallows and Amazons, the 2014 revival of Bristol Old Vic’s triumphant West End and UK-wide production.
All On Demand shows are available until 28 Feb – to watch as often as you like from your sofa!
If that's not enough, Sharp Teeth Theatre (Sherlock in Homes) and Tom Marshman join forces to present Streaming Beauty, a strictly adult show starring everyone's favourite fairy godmother Annette Curtains (Tom Marshman). Devour this uniquely filthy and interactive Christmas show live from your homes, through the Christmas miracle of Zoom. Bring your own mince pies and booze.

Bristol Old Vic is the longest continuously running theatre in the UK, and celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2016. The historic playhouse aims to inspire audiences with its own original productions, both at home and on tour, whilst nurturing the next generation of artists, whether that be through their 350-strong Young Company, their many outreach and education projects or their trailblazing artist development programme, Bristol Ferment.
They use their funding to support experiment and innovation, to allow access to their programme for people who would not otherwise encounter it, or be able to afford it, and to keep their extraordinary heritage alive and animated.
On 24 Sep 2018, Bristol Old Vic completed its 2-year multi-million pound redevelopment project, which transformed its front of house space into a warm and welcoming public building for all of Bristol to enjoy, created a new studio theatre and opened up its unique theatrical heritage to the public for the first time.