Judy Owen
Judy Owen specializes in international collaborations. She produced Orange Polar Bear, a bi-lingual theatre collaboration with the National Theatre Company of Korea, Hanyong Theatre and the REP, and was Producer for Cosmic Birds, a major exhibition of moving sculptures by Japanese kinetic artist Shun Ito (International Dance Festival Birmingham). She produced and toured Italian company Teatro Kismet’s international work to Japan, Australia and throughout Europe.
Other credits include The Honey Man by Tyrone Huggins (REP & UK tour), The BFG (the REP), Philip Pullman’s I Was A Rat! adapted by Teresa Ludovico (REP & UK Tour), The Snow Queen and The Mermaid Princess (Setagaya Public Theatre, Tokyo) and The Travelling Companion (Za Koenji, Tokyo). She is a Lecturer in Applied Theatre at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.