Madeleine Schofield
Mina Westerman in Dracula (Loco Klub), Party Person 1/ Angelina/ Yvetsye in How To Disappear Completely and Never Be Found (The Station), Miss Price/ Mrs Pugh in Under Milk Wood (West Country Tour), Atalanta in Jason and the Argonauts (Edinburgh Fringe), Lambchop in While Shepherds Watched (Schools Tour), Irina Arkadina in The Seagull, Mrs Sullen in The Beaux’ Stratagem, Portia in The Merchant of Venice, Marianne in Constellations, Patricia Graham in Flare Path, Liz Morden in Our Country’s Good.
Other: Christina in Uncle Montague’s Stories From The Shadows (Tour).
Forthcoming: Handmaiden in Mary Stuart (Bath Theatre Royal, West End Transfer, dir. Robert Icke).