Stephanie Booth
Van Helsing in Dracula (Loco Klub), American Client 1/Nurse/Aunty Esther in How To Disappear Completely and Never Be Found (The Station) Lily Smalls in Under Milk Wood (West Country Tour), Zetes in Jason and the Argonauts (Schools Tour), Rosemary in While Shepherds Watched (Schools Tour), Nina in The Seagull, Cherry in The Beaux’ Stratagem, Portia in The Merchant of Venice, Marianne in Constellations, Doris in Flare Path, Mary Brenham in Our Country’s Good. Other: Zetes in Jason and the Argonauts (Edinburgh Fringe/ Take Thou That), Stephanie in Scenes with Girls: 24 Hour Plays (Bristol Old Vic). Forthcoming: Stephanie in Kiss Me (Directors’ Cuts, Wardrobe Theatre).