Technical Youth Theatre

Bristol Old Vic is delighted to be offering a 7-month long Technical Youth Theatre for 15–18 year olds. This free programme will take place on-site at Bristol Old Vic, where participants will attend weekly sessions covering a range of skills with the aim of giving a pathway into production-based roles.

The Technical Youth Theatre will offer 2-hour sessions every Friday evening. Here, the participants will explore and develop practical skills in backstage and off-stage roles that exist within theatre. Working in collaboration with professional technical staff, freelance facilitators, and specialist trainers- the programme aims to act as a steppingstone to the next part of their professional careers.

What to expect

Jan – MarWeekly sessions with specialists and freelance professionals.
Mar – May Professional placement opportunities.
May – Jul Continued sessions with specialists and freelance professionals and create your bespoke pathway.
Jul Professional production support opportunities.

How to apply

Applications for Technical Youth Theatre 2025 will open in September. Please check back here for information on how to apply once applications open.