More about the Q&A

  • Download Zoom here. Help and support on how to sign up and use Zoom can be found here.
  • You may have to register with Zoom if you have not used Zoom before. You may be asked to input a name (this is a display name so can be either your real name or a nickname) and an email address. This will enable our panel to identify you when answering questions.
  • Chat with the panel or other attendees will not be available but please use the Q&A button to ask questions of the panellists.
  • Once you’ve submitted your question, only the panellists and the host will be able to see it until it is answered.
  • As we have only an hour, we are limited on the number of questions we may be able to answer. Our panel will try and discuss as many of your questions as possible, but we may not have time to answer them all.
  • Code of conduct: please no swearing or inappropriate comments, if your contributions to the discussion are offensive or disruptive, the host can prevent you using the chat or Q&A, or may remove you from the event.

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