Saturday Stories, a review by Thema Osborne Hendricks
4 Sep 2013On Saturday 31st of August Bristol Old Vic was abuzz as a huge crowd (around 350 people) came to see Michael Morpurgo take part in our first Saturday Stories event. This series is curated by Michael Morpurgo and offers the chance to hear from and meet the current heroes of children's literature. We invited Thema, age 10, from Bristol Story Laboratory to come and review the event...
I think the interview with Mr Morpurgo and his story telling was excellent, and I would see it again.
I would recommend this to anyone in Bristol, especially young readers like me. I found the stories that he told amusing and interesting likeMy Father is a Polar Bear. The story was about a boy who was separated from his father because his mom and dad split up, he thought his dad was a polar bear. The story was very humorous and made me want to burst out laughing.
The interview made me learn more about Michael Morpurgo’s personality and how he came about with his ideas. He has inspired me to read and write more. When we were leaving my mum bought War Horse for me, I saw the movie, and I loved it, on the other hand it was so emotional. We also bought a Medal for Leroy, his latest book, I am looking forward to reading it.
Reviewed by Thema Osborne Hendricks – age 10
The next Saturday Stories event is with Lauren Child on Sat 12 Oct. Find out more here.Bristol Story Laboratory is a non-profit organisation which aims to unleash young people’s imaginations. Find out more here.