10 things a Swallow couldn’t leave home without

18 Dec 2014

Are there days when you've been caught short without an umbrella, or you can't find those keys in the bottom of your bag? Not for a Swallow! The highly organised, sensible and utterly lovable Walker children from our production of Swallows and Amazons are always prepared for any occasion. They would never be seen without these:

1. A useful pen knife

[caption id="attachment_176471528" align="alignnone" width="500"]the-king-of-all-swiss-army-knives11.jpg For any foreseeable occasion.[/caption]

2. A barometer

[caption id="attachment_176471532" align="alignnone" width="248"]With no smartphones this is an essential weather predicting device. With no smartphones this is an essential weather predicting device.[/caption]

3. A tin of corned beef

[caption id="attachment_176471533" align="alignnone" width="284"]Because there is no better lunchtime snack. Because there is no better lunchtime snack.[/caption]

4. Memorised instructions for this paper aeroplane

[caption id="attachment_176471522" align="alignnone" width="500"]Masterful-Origami-Art-by-Sipho-Mabona-500x333 ...I mean, who doesn't know how to make a paper Swallow?[/caption]

5. Exceptional knowledge of navigating the stars.

[caption id="attachment_176471539" align="alignnone" width="500"]sa2-301.jpg Because who needs Google Maps when you have the stars.[/caption]

6. 6 eggs, individually wrapped for fear of smashing

[caption id="attachment_176471529" align="alignnone" width="500"]tumblr_lya5avKrQg1r9nql5o1_500 It just makes sense.[/caption]

7. This map of uncharted territories

[caption id="attachment_176471520" align="alignnone" width="400"]lake district old map For the impromptu expeditions to Wild Cat Island.[/caption]

8. A copy of this essential reference book

[caption id="attachment_176471541" align="alignnone" width="241"]517Zfgs4rhL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ You're not a true Swallow until you know how to tie a Butterfly Coil.[/caption]

9. This fashionable swimwear

[caption id="attachment_176471542" align="alignnone" width="326"]S+A1-259 Speedos are so last year.[/caption]

10. Their determination to always do the right thing.

[caption id="attachment_176471543" align="alignnone" width="500"]Swallows and Amazons - 2014 - Picture by Simon Annand (4) Swallows forever![/caption]

Swallows and Amazons is showing until Saturday 17 January. Tickets and information here.

Swallows and Amazons
27 Nov 2014-17 Jan 2015