In the Light Everything is Brighter | Meet Rebekah
3 Jul 2018With their debut show on the horizon, we're getting to know each of the 12-strong company who make up this year's Made in Bristol company, WILDERBEAST. Next up, Rebekah Jeffery-Hughes!

Tell us a little about yourself and how you made it into this year’s Made in Bristol company.
My name is Rebekah Jeffery-Hughes. I am 18, nearly 19. I'm loud, silly and often quite irritating! I first found out about Made in Bristol in 2014 when my session assistant told me about it. After being in Young Company for so many years I was desperate to get in.
What’s been your top moment of Made in Bristol so far?
The memory that will stick in my mind the most is the day Fen Theatre came in and showed us a way of devising material. It was the first time I’d seen our performance style so clearly.
What does WILDERBEAST mean to you?
The name is sort of magical and makes me think of a place between reality and pure imagination – a place where the bizarre and extraordinary mix with reality.
Is there anything exciting you can reveal about this year’s show?
There's an element of the surreal. It's funny and dark. We’ll be shedding light on the some of the things that grow in the dark, but just because something is in the light doesn't necessarily mean that it is any less scary.
What are you looking forward to on completion of the course?
To have grown as a theatre maker and to take what I've learnt about myself and other people into other setting – but, to be fair, I never want it to end.
Give us a quick fun-fact about yourself!
I have double jointed fingers and toes.
This year's Made in Bristol company return to 1532 Performing Arts Centre to present their visceral new show 18–21 July. For more information and to book tickets, click here.