In the Light Everything is Brighter | Rehearsal Diary - Week 2
25 Jun 2018As the company power on in rehearsals, WILDERBEAST's (Made in Bristol 17/18) Imogen Downes breaks down all the exciting goings on of week 2 ahead of their debut show this July.
Here we are – week 2 is over already! It’s been an absolutely cracking week of creating. Our wonderful musical directors, Dom and Nell, have been hard at work in ‘music corner’ to start writing songs for the show. We are lucky enough to have a lot of great musicians in our company, so we’ve all had a go at a bit of music making this week, and the room is beginning to fill up with more and more instruments. Nell has particularly been having fun playing around with the loop pedal! We’re slowly but surely creating some fab tunes to weave into the piece.
We also spent a bit of time thinking about how we’re going to end the show, and we now have a beautiful narrative timeline up on the rehearsal room wall. Most of the key plot points have been devised, and our writers Eli and Beki are busy typing them all up. Now just to fill in the gaps!
With only 3 weeks of rehearsals left, the time also came to cast our main character. I won’t reveal all just yet, but we’re very happy with the decision we’ve made and can’t wait to start working out who will be playing the other characters, as well as working in more ensemble scenes.
The week ended with our very first run of the show. After only 2 weeks of rehearsing, it definitely isn’t perfect yet – but it’s shaping up to be something that we’re all going to be incredibly proud of. We’re all still so excited to be making work together, and are all focused on finishing off this beast we’ve begun creating!

This year's Made in Bristol company return to 1532 Performing Arts Centre to present their visceral new show 18–21 July. For more information and to book tickets, click here.