*ARCHIVED EVENT* 2021: A Recipe For A Great Night Out
“We want you to use your imagination to come with us, leave your house now, as we take you on a big, massive, epic night out."
- A Gurt Time Was Had By All, 2021

What makes a great night out?
Theatre is a communal experience. We arrive as individuals but leave as one, bound together by what we have encountered.
The magic we see happen on stage is only one part of this.
Our current exhibition A Recipe For A Great Night Out celebrates all the other ingredients needed for a great night out at Bristol Old Vic.
Head down to the exhibition space in the Pit for a journey through pre-show rituals, post-show misadventures and everything that comes in-between.
A Recipe For A Great Night Out was created in collaboration with our Made in Bristol group of young theatre makers, and staff and tenants at Brunelcare Colliers Gardens.