Young Company Sessions

What do sessions involve?
We work with young people of all experience levels and interests to make theatre that focuses on the whole cast, creating work that features no 'leading cast members'. We provide an environment of playful creativity allowing young people to experiment with different techniques, genres and art forms guided by our team of professional artists, within the historic walls of Bristol Old Vic.
... verve, commitment and ownership by the always enterprising young company
The Reviews Hub on Bristol Old Vic Young Company
Year 1 – Year 6
Did you ever build a den? Find a treasure map? Go on an adventure? Tell everyone the best story ever?
These sessions are designed to stimulate the imagination and engage the body and mind in creative play. We play lots of games, develop key skills in working together as a team and as an individual and have lots of fun. We use our bodies and voices to learn how to tell stories to each other. The emphasis is not on performance at this age but simply allowing them to be creative and breed theatrical curiosity in a safe and fun environment.
Year 7 and upwards
These sessions are an opportunity for you to meet other performers/actors/theatre makers your age and to work collaboratively with the professional team at the Bristol Old Vic. Whether you're at Uni, in employment, doing A-levels or at school these sessions will give you the chance to delve deeper into the world of performance.
The sessions will be fun but the training will be challenging. Many aspects of performing will be covered including acting techniques, devising, improvisation, physical performance, voice, character work, visual theatre, and script training. You will be taught by the professional directors, actors and theatre makers and there is the chance to perform on the professional stage in an exciting show created through collaborative process, devising and storytelling.
Get in touch to find out more
For more information on Young Company Sessions, or for a more term-specific definition for each age group, please email or call 0117 317 8670