How does it work? The show is available to watch right here on this page, just click the button above to purchase and watch.

How to watch? When the show is released, you will be able to rent it for 48 hours. Once you've bought your ticket, just come back to this page and the show will unlock for you. Any questions or tech issues, click here for the FAQ.

Archive Recording. Pink Mist is an archive recording. Archive recordings drawn from Bristol Old Vic's digital vault and can vary in audio and visual quality. Pink Mist is available to stream at DVD resolution (1024x576) with stereo sound. This means on large displays it can look less crisp than some of our other shows. See an example of the resolution with our launch trailer here.

Pay What You Choose: To make our online work more accessible, we’re introducing a flexible pricing scheme for a number of events. Find out more about it here. Prices for this event are: £6 (Open Concession) / £10 (Standard) / £16 (Pay It Forward).

Access: The show is captioned.